Partage Plus blog

 The Partage Plus blog is focusing among others on one of the most exciting aspects of the project  - 3D scanning.

In the scope of the Partage Plus Project highly sensitive technical equipment will travel by transporter and by airplane from one European country to another. Starting point of this Grand Tour is an idyllic smalltown in Souhern Bavaria named Neubeuern. In the course of several months the 3D Scanners of Steinbichler Optotechnik are going to be guests in 18 different countries digitising about 2000 art nouveau objects ranging from filigran vases to heavy furniture. Readers are invited to accompany Steinbichler´s 3D-Scanners on this exciting journey!

Regular updates will be provided on the Partage Plus blog! Sign up for the RSS feed of the blog, or 'like' our Facebook page for updates!